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Medical Pill Bottle Mockup - FREE

Deep Lab
bottle medicine pill Health pharmacy medical capsule drug cointainer tablet
bottle medicine pill Health pharmacy medical capsule drug cointainer tablet
bottle medicine pill Health pharmacy medical capsule drug cointainer tablet

Medical Pill Bottle Mockup - FREE

This are mockups for a vitamins or medicine bottle, is a perfect solution to show your products, Includes 3 types of pills. Personalize the label easily through a smart object and change the background and bottle cap for any color.

Resolution: 1600×1200 px
3 different Mockups
Smart Object for easy customization
Well organized and named layers
RGB Colors
Standart pill bottle dimensions
Easily change background and cap color
Professional perspectives
 High Resolution and Full Mockup Set
Medical Pill Bottle Mockup - FREE

Medical Pill Bottle Mockup - FREE

This are mockups for a vitamins or medicine bottle, is a perfect solution to show your products, Includes 11 types of pills. Personalize the label easily through a smart object and change the background and bottle cap for any color.
