As online shopping and delivery become more popular, it’s only natural for well-sealed packages to become familiar for designers and shoppers alike. And because we always enjoy providing the former with quality tools and the latter with quality designs, we share with you the free shipping bag PSD mockup. Notice the details of the edges, the texture obtained through the highlights and shadows of the bag, and the simplicity of the scene that enables your projects to shine! Add neutral colors to the bag and feature your branding designs and logos using the smart object layers or share peculiar one-of-a-kind designs that decorate the bag with patterns. Use the separate and well-organized layers to easily change the colors and shadows. We’d like to send a thank you to the provider of this freebie Aleksey Volos.
This Package Mockup Perfect fit for below type of designs or branding purpose:
- Online Shopping Package
- Mailing / Courier
- MotherBoard Box
- Software Package
- Electronics / Gadgets Box Package
File Info:
- Format: 2 scenes layered PSD files
- File Size: 41 Mb
- Download file type: Zip
- Author: Aleksey Volos

If you use this mockup on your creative design. Share it with us on this hashtag #pacagedesign. We will feature it on our social media or package design inspiration on this website.